Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 11th to 17th & Run to Pub 10K

Long Run 17.5 miles (17.5/17.5)

Easy run 12.5 miles (12.5/30)

Easy run in the morning of 4.5 miles. I intended on doing a workout, but my foot was sore. When I loosened my shoe laces, my foot felt better, but it was still causing me to run differently. So, after going through the warm up, I decided to just head home. (10/40)

Started out on my run and my foot felt fine, so I went ahead with the workout of 10 times 500 with 1 minute rest. I broke out my new pair of trainers and just wore them for the entire workout instead of a training flat. This wasn't meant to be a really difficult workout, just a little something to get me use to being back on the track. I intended on running 68 second 400s or 85 seconds for the 500s. All of the 500s ended up being 84 point something. This was a comfortable workout, but it didn't feel quite as easy as I thought it would. In the afternoon, I ran an easy 7 miles. (14/54)

I am running the 'Run to the Pub 10K' on Saturday, so I will do that in place of the tempo and instead do the rep pace workout today. I changed up the rep workout to 10 times 200 with 30 seconds rest. I had planned on doing sets of 200-200-400, but just felt it would be better to do something with a lower volume, but still a bit challenging. All ten 200s were 30 point something. I did this workout in trainers as well, which made it feel a little more challenging than it should have been. In the afternoon, I ran into the legendary Jake Turner on a 5 miler.(11/65)

Easy 6 miles (6/71)

Ran the Run to the Pub 10K. Finished first in 29:46. The course was a little short I think, not sure though. My morning was pretty low key. Woke up and had some coffee. My sister and mother in law were on their way to town, so I did some cleaning around the house and the guest bathroom. About 25-30 minutes before the race started, Sierra and Rowan gave me a ride toward the starting line and dropped me off about 1.5 miles from the start about 20 minutes before the race started. I ran over to the starting line and soon afterward the race was underway. I started out very fast in the race and was out front right away. I don't know my mile splits. There were a couple windy spots, but the headwind sections were pretty short. I gave Rowan a high five a couple miles into the race. It was a fun race and I was glad I did it. (10/81)

Here are the Pub results:

Weekly Summary:

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