Sunday, August 21, 2011

Blog #2 - Training August 21 - 27th

The goal for this week is to run 85 to 90 miles. I am going to do a tempo on Tuesday, a fartlek on Thursday, and a progressive run on Saturday with maybe four 30 second segments at mile pace, just like last week. I plan to do some plyos and strides on Monday and maybe Wednesday.

Long Run 18 miles. Sierra dropped me off at Sourdough Canyon Trailhead and I ran a little more than 6 miles up and back the trail/road and then ran home the which was about 5.5 miles. The way up on the trail took 47:46 and the way back 42:33. The rest of the run home took 35:43 for a total time of 2 hours and 6 minutes. I actually felt pretty good on the run. It was warm on the run especially the last part on the pavement from the trailhead home. (18/18)

Easy Run 8 miles in 55 minutes. Ended up running pretty late at night because I had a meeting in the morning and I didn't get my run in beforehand. Didn't get Plyos and strides in today, but I will do them on Wednesday and maybe Friday. Wheeled out time trial course in afternoon which was probably about a 3 mile walk.(8/26)

6 times tempo miles with 60 seconds rest between. Warmed up and cooled down 2 miles and did general mobility before tempo miles. This workout didn't go real well. Averaged about 5:20 for the tempo miles. Gonna change up the workouts this week and do some mile pace/rep work on Thursday to see if it will help me be and feel more economical. Wheeled out a tempo course for the team on the Sourdough trail system area, which was about a four mile walk. (10/36)

Easy Run 6 miles. Ran before an appointment in the morning. I had planned on running again today, but decided to just run again tomorrow. (6/42)

Little over a 3 mile workout over to the grass fields. Decided to combine the strides/plyos with today's rep workout. Did the typical 5 stations of plyos and strides, then headed out onto the trails and did 7 times 30 seconds at rep (mile pace), 90 seconds rest, 30 seconds at rep, 90 seconds rest, 60 seconds at rep, 150 seconds rest. This workout went well and it felt great to run fast. I think this will help to make other pace workouts feel better and more comfortable. Between the strides and rep work, there was about 4 miles at or close to mile pace. The morning workout totaled about 12 miles. Did a six mile easy run in the evening. (18/60)

Easy run on trail around town, 11.5 miles. Stopped halfway through and did a quick hurdle mobility. Was pretty sore from fun speed workout yesterday. (11.5/71.5)

Did a progressive run on the same loop as last Saturday. Was planning on doing six loops like last week, but was not feeling great so I only did five loops which is about 8.5 miles. Still a little sore and tired from Thursday workout. At 10am, I drove one of the vans filled with MSU distance runners and sprinters and picked up trash along our section of adopt-a-highway.(12.5/84)

Weekly Summary:
84 miles in 8 runs. This week wasn't great for workouts once again, but I did get in quite good mileage. I have definitely gone from doing very little, to doing too much the last 3-4 weeks. My legs have been sore and tired a lot. I am going to try and get in another pretty good week of mileage next week. Then cut down to 65 to 70 the week of the half marathon September 11th. Hopefully, in the next couple weeks I will adjust to the mileage and start feeling a little better.

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