Still have a sore throat, but am feeling much better than yesterday. Kevin Clary was in town so I ran with him in the morning, then we went to Storm Castle for breakfast. Easy run of about 8 miles. (8/8)
Started to snow as I started running, which made it impossibly slippery with hidden sheets of ice underneath everywhere. It was also very cold out. I ran for 123 minutes, but didn't cover many miles. (16/24)
Sore throat in the morning still. Went for about 13 miles easy in the evening. Had a pretty good Christmas. (13/37)
Still have a little sore throat. Didn't sleep much at all last night because Rowan was up most of the night. I was off a little all day and pretty grumpy. I didn't run for some reason. Sometimes when my schedule gets really thrown off and I am grumpy, I just don't go for a run which makes me even more agitated. (0/37)
Ran a workout on the 2 mile square loop because it was clear and had good footing. For the workout, I ran 10 * 30 seconds at about rep (probably closer to 3K pace than mile pace) and then 8 * 4 minutes at threshold pace. Still feeling a little under the weather with a sore throat. I wore a heart rate monitor and could tell my heart rate was a little high for a slower pace than last week. Heart rate ranged from 168 to 172 for the most part and my pace was generally between 5:10 to 5:20 pace. This workout did have a higher volume than any workout I have done in a while. Hopefully, I didn't do too much and make myself sick(er)! (13.5/50.5)
ECR 13 miles (13/63.5)
Was going to do a workout today, but was just feeling sluggish so I just did an ECR. (8/71.5)
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