Tuesday, December 25, 2012

December 23rd to 29th

Still have a sore throat, but am feeling much better than yesterday. Kevin Clary was in town so I ran with him  in the morning, then we went to Storm Castle for breakfast. Easy run of about 8 miles. (8/8)

Started to snow as I started running, which made it impossibly slippery with hidden sheets of ice underneath everywhere. It was also very cold out. I ran for 123 minutes, but didn't cover many miles. (16/24)

Sore throat in the morning still. Went for about 13 miles easy in the evening. Had a pretty good Christmas. (13/37)

Still have a little sore throat. Didn't sleep much at all last night because Rowan was up most of the night. I was off a little all day and pretty grumpy. I didn't run for some reason. Sometimes when my schedule gets really thrown off and I am grumpy, I just don't go for a run which makes me even more agitated. (0/37)

Ran a workout on the 2 mile square loop because it was clear and had good footing. For the workout, I ran 10 * 30 seconds at about rep (probably closer to 3K pace than mile pace) and then 8 * 4 minutes at threshold pace. Still feeling a little under the weather with a sore throat. I wore a heart rate monitor and could tell my heart rate was a little high for a slower pace than last week. Heart rate ranged from 168 to 172 for the most part and my pace was generally between 5:10 to 5:20 pace. This workout did have a higher volume than any workout I have done in a while. Hopefully, I didn't do too much and make myself sick(er)! (13.5/50.5)

ECR 13 miles (13/63.5)

Was going to do a workout today, but was just feeling sluggish so I just did an ECR. (8/71.5)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 16th - 22nd

Long Run 18 miles total. I ran way too hard today. I am not sure what got into me. The footing was horrible pretty much everywhere but the 2 mile square loop so I decided to just run loops on the square loop. I ran 7 loops with a warm up and cool down. I started at 6:10 pace and finished at 5:20 pace so 14 miles of the run was pretty quick. The last 6 miles was about 32:20. My heart rate (168-170) was pretty high the last 4-6 miles. (18/18)

Took the day off. (0/18)

8 * 1200 with 1 minute rest on Fieldhouse 200 meter indoor track with Dan Jackson and his friend Chris. If it had been up to me, I would have wanted to do this workout outside. However, Dan Jackson wanted to do the workout inside so he could get an accurate reading of his fitness level. It was a lot of laps, but it ended up being not too bad. We wore heart rate monitors and I tried not to exceed 175 beats per minute, which I didn't for the most part. For the 8 1200s, I probably averaged about 3:47. Not a super hard workout, but it was very high quality aerobic. (11/29)

Triple Tree loop extended, about a 13 mile easy run. (13/42)

Tempo run - 6 miles. Did 3 of the 2 mile square loop. Mile splits were about 5:15, 5:15, 5:10, 5:15, 5:05, 5:15. The second, fourth and sixth miles are slightly uphill. My heart rate was generally about 170, but would get up to 175 on the 800 meter uphill section. (11/53)

Easy run of about 10 miles. I went a little shorter today because I woke up with a sore throat. (10/63)

Felt pretty sick today. I could and maybe should have gone for a short run, but I didn't. Sore throat, tired, and achy all day. I shouldn't have taken Monday off because with taking today off, I ended up being pretty short on mileage this week. (0/63)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December 9th - 15th, 2012

Easy run 45 minutes. Hosting a recruit today, so I didn't have a chance to get a long run completed. (6/6)

Long Run of about 17 miles. Ran in the evening in the dark. I did two extended hospital loops and ran into Dan Jackson. (17/23)

8 * 4 minutes on, 1 minute off with Dan Jackson on the 2 mile square loop. Went by heart rate which ranged from 168 to 172 for the most part. (12/35)

Wednesday Easy run late at night in the snow. I felt like Balboa in Rocky IV running through snow! Very slippery out. (11.5/46.5)

The plan was to do a progressive run, but it snowed a lot which didn't allow good footing. Dan Jackson and I ran 6 miles (hospital loop) easy at about 7 to 8 minute pace and then ran 6 miles on the 2 mile square loop which was clear and we did do progressively. We started at 6 minute pace and got about 8 seconds faster each mile of the 6 miles of the run. (13/59.5)

Friday Easy Run of about 6.5 miles (6.5/66)

Saturday Easy Run of about 8 miles. Footing was horrible after snow so I didn't do hill workout as I had planned. (8/74)