Went for a long run with the team up Sourdough Canyon. We took the single track up to Mystic Lake and the ran down on the access road. I think the run was a bit over 18 miles. Trevor's watch said it was 18, but those watches tend to under measure on windy trail runs so I am going to call it 18.5. The pace on the way up and the way back felt fast and I felt a little tired. I think I was physically tired and tired from lack a lack of sleep. After the run, Sierra and I were talking about doing something fun, but we just stayed inside and did some hanging out with Rowan. (18.5/18.5)
I watched Rowan in the morning so I ran later in the day. I made some additional marks with paint to the course we are going to run for a workout tomorrow, so I carried a can of paint while I ran. I felt pretty good on the run. The run probably covered about 10.5 miles. (10.5/29)
Practice was moved to 6:15am and I did the workout with the team. The workout was a mix workout. I did 3 times tempo miles, 3 - 1200s at i pace, and 4 - 200s at mile pace. I felt like I was running fast, but between the turns and soft surface the times didn't show a fast pace. Still think it was a good workout and I felt good during it. The team seemed to do well with their workouts. It was pretty dark when we started so the women's team missed some of the painted marks. (10/39)
Two 6.5 mile easy runs. Felt a bit tired today, but not too bad. (13/52)
Course preview at University of Montana Open. Traveled to Missoula and then did a 5 mile easy run, general mobility, and some strides. Felt ok. Went to Johnny Carino's for dinner with the team. Decided on running in the race tomorrow, so we will see how it goes. (5/57)
MSU men's and women's teams both placed first in the UM Open XC meet. I ran myself and finished in 2nd place overall in 24:46 for the 8k course. I didn't sleep very well the night before the meet, but I felt ok in the race. My splits were 4:52, 10:03, 15:05, 20:10, 24:46. The second mile includes a significant uphill. I took the lead on the uphill and held it until getting caught with about 1/2 a mile to go. I stuck with the person who passed me but could not quite get back in front. Considering where my fitness is right now, I was really surprised that I ran somewhat fast. I wore spikes for the first time and I developed some big blisters on my heel. They were really bothering me the last 1.5 miles or so, especially on the down hills. I had planned on dropping out just before the finish line if I was in 1st place so I didn't take a win away from a college athlete, so it wasn't too bad getting 2nd so I didn't have to drop out. All in all, I am pretty pleased with my performance. I haven't really done any core strengthening exercises since last winter or something and I feel it cost me today. I just didn't feel comfortable running and was 'sitting' while running. I have heard the saying about feeling uncomfortable while running that it 'felt like I was trying to hump a turtle' . I am not sure what that means, but I think that is what I felt like out there??? Haha. If I remedy that and improve my fitness, I should be able to run fast. Did an easy run when we got back to Bozeman of about 4.5 miles. It was great to get back home, even after just one day. I missed my little family. (14.5/71.5)
Easy Run 6 miles. After practice with the team, Sierra and I sold 50/50 tickets at the football game and then lounged around the house the rest of the day. (6/77.5)
Weekly Summary:
It was fun running in a XC race again. Again, I am surprised I ran as fast as I did. Hopefully with weeks and months of consistent training ahead, I will continue to feel better and get faster. 77.5 miles in 8 runs with one race and one workout.
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